Wednesday, May 13

Beloved Akik

yang aku highlight tu , tulah akik aku .
This photo was taken on 2007 i think , when we was on vaction to pulau langkawi

mesti korg tertnya tanya ape tu akik kan kan .
well , akik means atok . akik dlm bhs iban .
for those ppl yg ta tau , aku kan mixed . melayu + iban . tu yg aku chantek . mwahahahaha . joke oke?
last monday ( may 11,2009 ) my akik pengsan early in the morning . fortunately , uncle stanley n my auntie diana ta g keje lg that time . then they sent him to hospital swasta belakang umah je , after the pasar stutong lah ! akik dpt rwtn kecemasan , he wearing the oxygen mask .
doc ckp , akik pengsan sbb ta de oxygen dlm bdn . aku rase mybe akik ade curik2 minum beer or isap rokok tnpe pengetahuan nenek aku nenek ta bg akik minum beer or isap rokok coz die ade sakit jantung & aku penah tgk die kne heart attack after mnum alcohol . OH , akik is a christian oke ! few hours later , mummy called said that akik was fine , stable . meantime , kitorg abg , abg iz & me carik tiket air asia or MAS kalau ttbe nak balek nnt .
YESTERDAY ( may 13 ,2009 ) , mom make a phone call and talk to akik . akik hv to wear the mask AGAIN at 4 pm . when i was back home from the office , i tried to talk with mom , but she didnt answered my question . then dad ckp , mak nak balek sarawak . akik kan masok hosp swasta , semalam sewa bilik rm1000 . tak temasok ubat die . :( then i saw mom crying at the kitchen . thats my kelemahan . mula2 mom ta nak makan , but she hv to take medicine dea ade kencing manis n darah tinggi and aku pun suruh dea mkn sikit . mom still nanges . abg iz n dad da ilang selera nak mkn . same with me . aku mkn pun ta smpai sesuku nasik aku . then aku naek atas , mandi n cry in the bath room . semalam jugak mom , dad n brothers pegi kl central , nak book tiket . tp mlm td , da ta de tiket . so mak balek pg td . 7am . ouh , akik again kne pakai mask tu at 9pm semalam . i wish i can go to visit akik . we are close together . :(

p/s : thanks to ninie n sayang , sbb tmnkan aku semlam when i was sad :(